News & Views: A few Resolutions for 2017

Newsletter – Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I've been studying some business concepts about setting goals and objectives within an organization. One critical piece of that is to make sure you know your mission because your goals must certainly align with and support that. The management team here at Tuscano Agency is busy working out our goals and objectives for the first quarter of 2017 and the year beyond. I'm also on another team that is working on 2017 resolutions and goals and that would be my daughter Grace's graduation team. We are still in the mission phase of that project because Grace is convinced that the mission is to graduate and move to a cool city where there are lots of other millennials; Dad's mission is for Grace to graduate and get a job. I'll let you know how it turns out. 

The tradition of New Year's resolutions is religious in origin. The Babylonians started the New Year by making promises to their gods that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts! The Romans had a similar practice of making promises to the god Janus. In modern times, our resolutions are typically self-improvement goals which I would guess we have all set (and forgotten). The good news is you have ten times better chance of hitting a New Year resolution just by setting one, than if you never set one at all.

So, I thought I might throw out a few resolutions that you could make your own in 2017!

  1. Exercise your ability to be more efficient and productive! Make a point of using the online rating tools that are on the Tuscano Toolbox. As an added bonus, our online tools will make you wealthier and better looking - OK just kidding! 
  2. Get organized! You like paying bills online - we like it when you pay your Tuscano account online! Check out the secure online account payment features on the Tuscano website.
  3. Expand your mind! If you only think of us for a singular type of business, stop doing that right now. It's time to discover how you can use Tuscano for more of your brokerage business. 
  4. If you see it, say it. Let us know how we are doing. Your feedback helps us improve, and we want to be better so you will love us more.

If you didn't need a wholesaler, we wouldn't be in business. That said, Tuscano brings you markets, responsive, knowledgeable people to work with, and a desire to create relationships that go beyond transactions. If you aren't getting that and more from your existing brokerage markets, then we just might be the wholesaler you've been looking for! 

Let's make writing brokerage business fun again!

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