The first step in avoiding an audit dispute is to make sure that the insured understands the need to audit and cooperates with the auditor’s requests. Typically, all they need to do is set up the appointment and honor it, and provide sales receipts or payroll records. Before the audit is finalized, the insured will be given the opportunity to review the information and sign off on it.
Upon receipt of an audit, you as the producer should present the audit endorsement to the insured as soon as possible for review. If the insured does not feel that the data used in the audit is correct, they should immediately gather the correct documentation, and send it to the carrier. Or, if you would like, you can send it to Tuscano and we will forward it to the company. If you are unsure what information is required to dispute, please feel free to give us a call. All of this must be done within 20 days of the initial audit billing.