Please note our office will be closed Wednesday, January 1 in honor of the New Years holiday. We will reopen January 2 at 8:00 am

News and Views: New Year and Reflections

Newsletter – Wednesday, January 5, 2022
My mom was uber-organized and meticulous. For instance, she used to keep track of every child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and spouses’ birthdays on a calendar (the Tuscano Agency calendar of course). But when that got to be too much as in hundreds of dates, my sister Joady stepped up and created a family calendar. The rest of us contributed photos throughout the year to fill the calendar pages. On Christmas morning Bebe (mom) would pass out the calendars – 1 per family! - and we’d huddle together, bent over the calendar, relishing our family’s size and connections.
Rewind about 35 years to the time the Tuscano Agency first started publishing an Agency calendar. Over the years, we’ve gotten pretty fancy – photos of staff, fun facts, favorite things – you name it! There’s nothing like getting your Tuscano calendar and pouring over the pages looking for familiar names and putting a face to them. This year we’ve compiled a yearbook of sorts. Check it out and you’ll soon realize Jinny and I have been around longer than a considerable portion of our staff have been alive!
By the time you get this newsletter, 2021 will be “in the books”. There are a lot of things to celebrate in 2021! We rolled out three new lines of business for downloading through IVANs. We added 26 new staff and created 12 new positions within the agency. We’ve reorganized some of our commercial teams into specialist teams including a brokerage team. We have handed the baton of leadership to a new generation and we celebrated our 51 years in business after a very long hiatus of social gatherings! For those and many more accomplishments, I would say that 2021 will go on the timeline as an amazing year.
In 2022, I am setting a goal to complain less and contribute more! I will be less peevish, listen more, show empathy, and step up where there is a need. I will be hopefully optimistic that we can tackle the problems of the world together, for, and with each other.
We owe our milestones and celebrations to the fact that you, our customer, choose to place your brokerage business with Tuscano. You have options when it comes to the wholesaler you work with, but I believe that it is our people and our attention to extraordinary customer service that makes you prefer to do business with Tuscano.
We are on a mission, and that is to provide insurance solutions, big and small, and to make the experience delightful. The Tuscano Agency knows what it is like to count your pennies which is why we keep our fees low! We know that increased policy fees make the insurance process more difficult for everyone. Thanks for partnering with us and allowing us to meet the insurance needs of your community.
Hopefully, all of you have received your 2022 Tuscano calendar and if not, there’s an email address to request one –
Happy New Year!
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