General Liability
Snowplow Contractors
Got snowplow risks? We have solutions! Tuscano can provide coverage options. We can help with anything from small operations to large, hard to place risks. We can consider new ventures and subcontracted exposures. Reach out to one of our underwriters today!
- Limits up to $1M/$2M
- New Ventures Considered
- Minimum premium = $5k-$15k (depending on state)
- Subcontracted exposure is acceptable
- Waiver, Primary Non-Contributory, and Additional Insured available
- Difficult Risks Accepted – Airports, Roads, Streets, etc.
Call for questions or a quote:
Our Underwriting Team
State Availability
Most or all of our Snowplow Contractors markets are available in Pennsylvania
- Connecticut
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Vermont