
Mon Jul 25 2022

Cyber Liability Confusion

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Join us as we talk through the need for cyber liability and how to share this coverage with prospects.

Be sure to register for our Cyber Liability webinar on July 26th; we can't wait to see you!

Reach out to Sandy today!
Sandy's Bio
1-866-442-8063 ext. 606

Mon Jul 18 2022

Builder’s Risk Chat

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Join us as we talk builder’s risk and vacant policies with property underwriter Jessica Waltenbaugh.

Hurry! There are only two more sessions left!
Register now for our newest CE webinar - Defining Builder's Risk & Vacant Policies
July 20th
July 27th

Reach out to Jessica today!
Jessica's Bio
1-866-442-8063 ext. 312

Mon Jul 11 2022

What's Your Why and Why It's Important

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Today we will discover the importance of knowing your “why” both personally and professionally.

Mon Jun 27 2022

How to Sell Yourself

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Do you have an elevator pitch? Then, join us as we discuss how to sell yourself and your skill.

Need help crafting the perfect elevator pitch? Want to share your fantastic elevator pitch?
Email us today; we want to hear all about it!

Be sure to register for our Manufacturing Risks webinar today!
Tuesday, July 11th, 10 AM

Mon Jun 20 2022

Energy Risks: What’s the Buzz About?

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Join us as we simplify energy risks and identify why you need to make this a focus in your agency.

Register for our FREE Energy CE class today!
June 29th, 10 AM-11:30 AM

Reach out to Linda today!
Linda's Bio
866-442-8063 ext. 729

Mon Jun 13 2022

Trucking Talk with Jamie McQuistian

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Join us as we talk trucks with transportation manager Jamie McQuistian.

Register for our Transportation Tools CE Webinar today. There are only two classes left!
June 15th
June 22nd

Reach out to Jamie today!
Jaime's Bio
866-442-8063 ext. 118

Mon Jun 06 2022

Contractor Talk with Jamie Drummond

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Listen in as we talk contactors with Jamie Drummond.

Register for our webinar, Boats: From Charters to Yachts now! Be sure to join us on Thursday June 9th.

Reach out to Jamie Today!
Jamie's Bio

866-442-8063 ext. 180

Mon May 23 2022

Overcoming Obstacles

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We all face obstacles; however, how we respond charts our success!

Join us on June 7th, 2022, for our Online Rater Review - Register Today!

Mon May 16 2022

The Contractor Conversation

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Listen in as we talk contractors with casualty underwriter, Chelsea Chiesa.Reach out to Chelsea Today!
Chelsea's Bio
866-442-8063 ext. 551

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